Non-executive director
Advisor, consultant and mentor
With individual senior managers or teams – commercial and medical affairs
Devise, co-create, sense check, and ‘soft challenge’ strategic thinking, direction and accompanying tactics.
Provide clarity of your function, your (or your team’s) goals and how to articulate this to managers, peers and teams.
Identify what it is you do for your organisation, what you want to do, what you should be doing, and how to own it.
“We were so impressed with how Sean and VantageX connected with the team and challenged the way we think. With all of that oncology experience on tap, we try to involve them in all our strategic meetings and plans”
“The way Sean provided clarity and support for me and my role was refreshing and enlightening. There is no doubt I now manage my internal relationships - upwards, downwards and sidewards - much better and provide considerably more value to all ”
Non-executive directorships (NED)
Formal, hands-on support for small and start-up businesses or organisations preparing for the next phase, either via inward investment or sale.
Expertise and focus on structure, revenue, business generation and profitability, including financial management and cashflow.
Provide support for decision making, sense check of ideas for business owners and their teams in all aspects of business management.
Provide structure and clarity on goals and objectives, and advise on readiness for potential sale or inward private equity investment.
“Utilising Sean as a NED has been a game changer. Having an experienced ‘been there, done that’ professional on my side to sense check and challenge my thinking has been extremely productive. We are also now much more focused on numbers and the levers that make our business more successful ”